Plaques & Awards
Each year, DX Marathon will award plaques and certificates to winners in various categories. We express our sincere thanks to each of our plaque sponsors. Without your generosity and love for DX’ing, our program would not exist.
We have started a country plaque program. Historically, the highest scoring participant in a country will receive a certificate. In 2025, if anyone wishes to sponsor a plaque for a country award, we will issue a beautiful plaque for the highest score in any country. So far, we have sponsors for Slovak Republic, Turkey, Chile, and Venezuela. A sponsorship costs $100US. We will be accepting sponsorships throughout the 2025 year.
2025 Awards
Plaques will be awarded as follows:
- Highest score in Unlimited Class - Sponsor: Northern Illinois DX Association
- Highest score in Limited Class - Sponsor: Northern Illinois DX Association
- Highest score in Formula Unlimted Class - Sponsor: Ellsworth Amateur Wireless Association
- Highest score in Formula Limited Class- Sponsor: Northern Illinois DX Association
- Highest score in QRP Limited Class, 5 Watts or less - Sponsor: Jeff, KE9V
- Highest score in QRP Unlimited Class, 5 Watts or less- Sponsor: David, NM0S, QRPARCI
- Highest CW only Score-World - Sponsor: The CW Operators Club
- Highest CW only Score- NA- Sponsor: The CW Operators Club
- Highest CW only Score- EU- Sponsor: The CW Operators Club
- Highest CW only Score- CWOP Member: The CW Operators Club
- Highest CW only Score-SA- Sponsor: Tom, K2GO
- Highest Phone only score-World Sponsor: Collins Amateur Radio Club in Memory of Art Collins, W0CXX
- Highest Digital only score-World Sponsor: Bill, K2TQC
- Highest score in Africa - Sponsor: Dane, S53T
- Highest score in Asia - Sponsor: YBDXPI, YBLand DXing Passion Is
- Highest score in Europe - Sponsor: Gert, PA2LO
- Highest score in North America - Sponsor: The Metro DX Club
- Highest score in Oceania - Sponsor: North East Radio Group (NERG)
- Highest score in South America - ARAUCARIA DX GROUP - ADXG
- Highest score for the 6m band - Sponsor: Mike, W4UM
- Highest score for single band entries for the 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40 and 80m bands - Sponsor: ARAUCARIA DX GROUP * ADXG
- Highest score for the 60m band - Sponsor - Ken, W1NG
- Highest score for the 160m band - Sponsor: Davie/Cooper City Amateur Radio Club
- Highest Youth Score (15-25) - Sponsor - Bill, W2CQ
- Highest Youth Score (14 and younger)- Sponsor Ann, W1AS
- Highest YL Score - Sponsor - Jose, N4BAA
- John Sweeney Super Marathon Award - Sponsor - Bob, W9AP
- Highest DX Challenge - Sponsor - ARAUCARIA DX Group
- Runner up DX Challenge - Sponsor- ARAUCARIA DX Group
- Top World Club Score (75 or more) - Sponsor - South Florida DX Association
- Top World Club Score (26-74) - Sponsor- Kevin, W1DED
- Top World Club Score (25 or less) Sponsor- East Tennessee DX Association
Note: All of the above awards unless specifically stated otherwise are independent of class.
Electronic Certificates will be awarded as follows:
- Highest score in each Continent for each of the three modes, with the exception of CW in North America and Europe.
- Highest score in each CQ Zone.
- Highest score in each Country Entity (Min score of 50 Required)
- Highest score for each of the three modes in the USA.
- Highest score in each USA Call Area for Unlimited Class.
- Highest score in each USA Call Area for Limited Class.
- Highest score in each USA Call Area for Formula Class, 100 watt option.
- Highest score in each USA Call Area for Formula Class, 5 watt option.
- Highest score in each Canadian Call Area.
- Highest youth score in each Continent
- Highest YL score in each Continent
Note 1: Each entrant in the DX Marathon may submit one log each year per operating location. Participants submitting logs for single mode or single band entries must include only those contacts. Logs submitted with multiple mode or multiple bands will not be considered for mode or band awards.
Note 2: Plaques for CW, SSB, Continent and Band winners may only be awarded if the winning scores in those categories are at least 50% of the score of the overall DX Marathon Unlimited Class winner.
Note 3: Entrants may receive only one plaque per year. In the case of a participant qualifying for more than one plaque, that participant will receive a plaque for the highest level based on the above order. Plaques may be awarded to runners-up at the discretion of the DX Marathon Committee.
Note 4: Plaque winners are not eligible for certificates. Only one certificate will be awarded per entrant. In the case of a participant qualifying for more than one certificate, that participant will receive a certificate for the highest level based on the above order.