End of Year Reminders
Happy Holidays to all our participants of the DX Marathon Program. Just a few end of year friendly reminders.
Please try the new submission tool NOW so that you will not have any issues during the Jan 1-5 2024 final submittal period. Remember, as in past years, there will be no extensions granted. We have made it possible for all to have ample time to get the logs uploaded. You can do it right now. Any subsequent additions will be incorporated so your last submission during the above period in the Jan 1-5 period should involve minor “tweeks”.
The 2024 Rules are posted on the website, www.dxmarathon.com. Go to the “Rules” tab and you will see both the 2023 and 2024 rules. Please check them out. Pay particular attention to the a) Categories, b) Super Marathon Award c) Youth overlay, d) YL overlay, e) new Club definitions and more awards, and e) The DX Marathon Challenge (remember–if you are interested in the Challenge, you will need to send me an email by February 1 signifying that you plan to participate in this category…the first 75 emails will be accepted for this calendar year 2024.
I remind everyone, that tax deductible donations are possible now through the website. Please look at the bottom of the website and click on the hyperlink “tax deductible donation.” For those retired folks, please consider using your RMD’s (required minimum distribution) to help fund our program. We can sure use your generous contributions. Please consider contributing by the end of year even if it is only a few dollars.
Lastly, before your 2023 submission, please, please, please help yourself and check your logs and use our Helpful Hints on the website. Go to the “Resources” tab, and check the following subtabs against your logs: 1) Valid Calls & Notes, 2) Invalid Callsigns,
Bad Spots, 4) Pirates. Check these against your log before you submit to avoid penalties. Also, check your CQ Zone Q’s. If you source your Zones from QRZ, they can be wrong. They do not assign Zones, the operators input zones to QRZ. Believe it or not, some operators input the wrong zones or reverse the Zone and ITU’s. Check carefully.
73 Gud luck in your submittals for 2023 and tell you friends about the 2024 program. Remember, I am also available for zoom meetings to your clubs in 2024. I did over 60 in 2023 and my schedule for 2024 is pretty wide open.
Mark, WC3W