CQ DX Marathon

DX Marathon News

General Announcement

Posted on February 8 2025 by Mark Wohlschlegel • WC3W

Good day DX Marathoners! I just arrived in Orlando and would love to see you at the Forum on Saturday CS-2 at 2:15PM. Come say hello, and I would love to have you give a brief testimonial! Just email or text me if you are here.

Secondly, the RATPAC Presentation. Here are the details. The RATPAC you tube presentation is up and running. Show this to your friends or present it at your ham clubs… Thank you


Lastly, I will shortly be scheduling the next K9EL presentation on zoom. Those who have saw it so far have loved the content. John’s does a brilliant job in helping all use the free tools available for all of us. Send me an email, and post $10 on the paypal link on our website and you are in. This most likely will be the last showing. I have prepared a small cheat sheet with the many aids John discusses in the presentation. You will get a copy if you sign up. The exact date will be announced when I get back from Hamcation.

Good DX’ing. Our scoring effort for 2024 results is proceeding on schedule. Stand by for the results. As previously stated, our target is to get the results out in my article sometime during the month of March. Recall in many previous years, it was June. We are trying real hard to get those results back much earlier to our participants.