DL7PIA Interview
DL7PIA, Pia, won the youth plaque last year in the DX Marathon Program. She has just completed an interview with Kevin, K1DED
Kevin had invited me to do a couple interviews last year on the DX Marathon Program. He is an excellent interviewer, and a
few month ago, I had contacted him, and suggested that he do an interview with Pia. Well, Pia agreed and the interview is
complete and now posted on Kevin’s website. As most of you know, the DX Marathon Program highly supports youth involvement
in our hobby, and in fact for this year, we have added another category of youth, 15 years of age and below. So in 2025, we
have two traunches, 15 years and below, and 16-25 years of age. Pia is an amazing young lady and I would highly recommend
that you watch her interview. Participation of youth around the world IS OUR FUTURE!
Here is the website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrglGU3o3bo
73 Mark WC3W