CQ Magazine
Some may have heard rumors about CQ Magazine and their financial condition. Please be advised of the following.
The DX Marathon Program will remain viable with or without CQ Magazine. I have mentioned in the past that our program does not receive any financial support from them nor do we draw any resources to operate our program from them. They do publish the rules in the November issue for the following year, and the program results in the June issue. Bottom line–do not be concerned with regard to the DX Marathon’s viability. We will do just fine with or without CQ Magazine.
I was made aware of the following from a colleague which is not an official statement made public by CQ Magazine.
“Many hams have noted not receiving paper copies of CQ magazine since earlier this year, and the last electronically published issue was October. Quoting Rich Moseson, W2VU, editor of CQ Magazine: “Unfortunately, CQ has temporarily suspended publishing at this time. We are working very hard to secure the necessary funding to continue operations but until we can make those arrangements, everything is on hold.”
I will be contacting Rich Moseson who is my interface with CQ early in the New Year. I did speak with him mid-November and he told me that it was unlikely that the November issue would be published either paper or electronic version and that they were awaiting on external funding. After I spoke with him, I decided to post the 2024 DX Marathon rules on the website.
They are there now. Please go to www.dxmarathon.com and select the “Rules” tab.
We are expecting another big participation year in the DX Marathon program. We look forward to receiving your submissions. Remember, you can submit right now using the new submission tool and do as many updates as you need to through the final submittal period January 1-5, 2024.
Mark WC3W